Where are you heading this weekend: Transformers or Baby Driver?

With no major Hindi movie releasing this weekend, the fight for your hard-earned money is between the new releases Transformers : The Last Knight & Baby Driver.

Where one is a 5th installment in a movie franchise popular more for its stunning visuals than it’s plot ( which is as convoluted & messed up as that earphone in your pocket), the other seems to be a very fresh take of an action movie which has loads of car chases involved. So which one are you going to head towards, here’s my take based on the trailers, buzz & everything else.

Transformers : The Last Knight


This new entry in the Transformers franchise promise to include everything from times of King Arthur & Merlin to the Nazi Germany & World War II and how transformers had been around to affect these events in human history. Cybertron it seems is heading back once again for earth despite being destroyed in Transformers:Dark of the Moon (adding to my point of messed up storylines). Go watch this movie for some stunning visuals, giant robot action & of-course Dinobots (which seem to return from the previous edition). If you are a fan of the franchise there are chances that you will definitely be heading for this movie, no matter what I say but If you are in doubt & waiting for reviews of others, then meanwhile go check the other movie that’s coming up this weekend.

Baby Driver


There is a line in this movie’s trailer “People love great bank robbery stories, so let’s give them some thing bold & brazen as F**K to talk about over their lattes”. I don’t know if I can describe this movie any better. If the trailers are any indication this movie is going to be one fun ride with great car chases, some super quippy acting & the thing that I’m most looking forward to, its sound track. If the buzz around this movie is to be believed the music & action are blended in such a unique fashion that is being dubbed as the most stylish movie of the year. Not to mention that it currently stands with a staggering 98% on Rotten Tomatoes currently.

My Verdict: It’s no doubt Transformers:The Last Knight is going to end up the big earner of this weekend but if you want to watch something fresh, stylish & different from every other movie out now, go for Baby Driver. 

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