Spider-Man is back home to Marvel & he’s better than ever.

What if one day when you were in high school, you woke up to find that you have super-strength, you can walk on walls, in-short what if one day you woke up a superhero. The excitement of having these amazing powers & need to help people may lead you to screwing up things, but the real test is if you can get back up in life. Spider-Man: Homecoming deals with these classic traits of a superhero’s journey in the midst of a high-school drama & I your MovieFriend Aryanurag is here with my review of the movie.

Ok, I’ll cut to the chase & begin with a very simple fact, Spider-Man: Homecoming is awesome & you should go watch ASAP & no, I’m not just saying that because I love Spider-Man or that I’m a big comicbook movies fan. Yes, I’m all that, but this is a genuinely fun movie with a large number of positives. Let me list down some for you:

1. Tom Holland is a perfect fit for Spider-Man. The guy is just fantastic. He’s able to capture all of Spider-Man’s witty playfulness along with his strong character & need to help those who need it, perfectly.

2. The flow of the story is incredible. The movie is paced wonderfully & there hardly any dull moment. It would also be important to note that the supporting cast does its job very well to ensure the aforementioned point.

3. Michael Keaton as the Vulture is great Cillian. It is said that a movie is only as good as it’s villain & Keaton brings life to the character like it the extension of Birdman. The layers of complexity that he brings to the role ensure that he goes right to the top of the very short list of good Marvel Villains right behind Loki.

4. Iron Man/Tony Stark is in the movie for just the right amount of time. Like salt in your food, if cameos are done correctly, they taste perfect. If you were scared that trailers showed too much Tony Stark & were afraid it would end up more like Iron Man 4 & the sidekick, fear not, what you see in the trailer is about all the time he gets in the movie

5. Last but not the least, the factor that made me know that it was going to be a movie that I will love was just about 5 mins in popped the Marvel Studios logo but more importantly along with that was a rendition of the classic Spider-Man animated series theme song. I knew then & there ,that I was hooked.

But it’s not all sunshine & rainbows here, I do have 2 gripes with the movie.

One of them is trivial & that is Aunt May. Now, the fact that Hot Aunt May is actually that hot is hardly an issue but the fact that they give the character hardly any time or explain why she’s so freaked out half the time may have helped audiences understand her a lot better.

But my major distress is the 3D.Why, I mean why make a movie 3D just for the sake of it. There isn’t a single moment that makes it feel worth & the fact that you need to spend extra bucks just coz 2D versions have next to no show available, makes the whole thing more frustrating. I hating sitting with those extra pair of glasses destroying the beautiful colors of the scenes, all the while giving me headaches.

Anyways, that’s my only kind of nitpicky issue with the movie. Overall it’s a great flick that is funny, thrilling & very heartfelt at certain points. The action is incredible too. So just go out watch it already before it swings out of the theatres near you.

I would love to hear your opinions, do you want to watch it, if you already did what do you think of the movie, do you agree with my points or due you think this article was written by a total crackpot. Anything, just leave a comment below & don’t forget to like & share the article with your friends who may find it helpful.

Till then, its your Friendly neighborhood MovieFriend swinging off. See you later & may you have great times at the movies.

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